3 definitions by Antwaaaaaaaaaaaaaan

When a male is about to ejaculate into a woman's mouth, he tells a really funny joke, and proceeds to bust his load into the woman's mouth. The woman then laughs histerically, and the semen comes out of her nose.
Titster Mc Weeney was jaughing when Willis told her a really funny joke...
by Antwaaaaaaaaaaaaaan October 14, 2006
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A sexual maneuvre done while performing anal sex. The man begins by ejacuating inside of his partner's rectum and proceeds to remove his penis from the anus. Immediately following, the partner emits a fart which propels the semen out of the rectum on to an awaiting bowl of icecream. The partner then proceeds to scarf down this unique desert.
by Antwaaaaaaaaaaaaaan October 14, 2006
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verb: To dryhump a female, fully clothed, to the point of penetration. This maneuvre is best done drunk, and is most commonly seen on the dancefloor.
Oh boy, he is willising the shit out of her....
by Antwaaaaaaaaaaaaaan October 14, 2006
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