6 definitions by Anssi Tenhunen

Tilulilu is an onomatopoeic word (of Finnish origin) for that sort of musical genre, that is often associated with heavy metal genres where speed, complexity and quantity of the notes exceeds the quality of the music. Often liked by music nerds, but not by regular people
I tried to listen to Dream Theater and Yngwie Malmsteen, but my I just could not enjoy the music because of the tilulilu guitars
by Anssi Tenhunen December 16, 2018
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Concept invented by Finnish magazine called "City", means its something worth to check. It means "Tsekkaa jos et usko" In Finnish, roughly translated "Check it out, if you don't believe".
Fear Factory - Archetype
TJEU: Slave Labor, Cyberwaste,Archetype
by Anssi Tenhunen August 21, 2005
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Warning used on the web that the link contains "Naughty Sexy Fucking Whores", aka porn. Also more commonly known as "Not Safe For Work"
Anonymous: NSFW *link*
User: Ah, it's pr0n.
by Anssi Tenhunen December 30, 2011
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Fanart Naruto hentai, wordplay of "naruto porn"
I googled some narupo
by Anssi Tenhunen August 17, 2007
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Normal people call this part of the drumkit hi-hat, french canadians call it charleston.
by Anssi Tenhunen October 14, 2010
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