100 definitions by AnonDoxy

A manipulative person on twitter that will on a daily basis heart most if not every tweet you do in an attempt to gain your attention and to win favouritism with you in the hope that they can personally benefit from this situation in some way.
This is done by two types of person -

A user: A person that is trying to make a name for themself on twitter, trying to become popular, say promoting their youtube channel on twitter; they're trying to gain lots of followers and they want lots of people to retweet them so they regularly heart all the tweets of popular accounts in the hope that account will follow them and also return the favor by retweeting one of the heartfags tweets; the HeartFag hopes that the followers of the account they targeted will then also follow and retweet the HeartFag as well.
Once the HeartFag has achieved their goal they stop hearting their targets tweets and also often unfollow the account they had targeted.

An adult groomer: A guy trying to get a hot women's attention and to win favoritism with her; the continuous hear ring of the targeted woman's account is a precursor to the guy later direct messaging the women and proceeding to groom her in the hopes she will eventually give him nude pictures off herself.
Mark is a HeartFag.
by AnonDoxy July 13, 2018
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Refers to a British police officer.
British police officers are referred to as 'constable' as opposed to 'officer'.

The term cunt-stubble is an intentional miss pronunciation of the title constable.

This alternative pronunciation of the title constable is well deserved as British police officers are cunts.
Why have you stopped me cunt-stubble?
by AnonDoxy November 26, 2018
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Elonigger Muskike is a cretin.
by AnonDoxy February 14, 2023
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Means: Cut & Paste activist.

Refers to a slacktivist on a social media website whom cut & pastes and post other people's wisdom to make people think they are wise.
by AnonDoxy June 20, 2018
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The creation of Israel marked the reforming of the Israelite tribe.
Any Jews that didn’t become Israelis are deemed to have abandoned the tribe and so shouldn’t be practicing Judaism as that’s the religion of the Israelites/Israelis.
Before the creation of Israel the term jew was relevant but since the creation of Israel the term jew is obsolete.
Any non Israelis practicing Judaism and calling themselves Jews are deceiving themselves and others.
by AnonDoxy January 22, 2023
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