2 definitions by AnnoyingOne

A pop group from the UK popular among 10 year old girls in the late 90s. Consisted of:
'Scary Spice' - Melanie B
'Sporty Spice' - Melanie C
'Ginger Spice' - Geri
'Baby Spice' - Emma
'Posh Spice' - Victoria
Colors of the world, spice up your life! Every boy and every girl, spice up your life! People of the world, spice up your life!
by AnnoyingOne September 29, 2003
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(n.) A kiNd oF iNtErNet WriTiNg ThAt LoOkS liKe ThiS uSeD bY aNnOyiNG dUmBaSs TeEnYbOpPeRs.
LiKe Oh My GoD tOgGlE iS sOoOoO cOoL!
by AnnoyingOne September 29, 2003
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