14 definitions by AnnoyedBlackGuy

The act of inviting all ur contacts to one convo, and laughing as they try to figure out who did it. Can provide hours of fun as pointless arguments arise.
The impatient people leave 1st, then the people who fight.
People who are afk, can stay here for hours, and it has been recorded, for even days. These people generally leave their computers on 24/7.
Guy 1: Fuck John started MSN Gang-banging, and I disconnected 5 freakin' times
Guy 2: That bastard!
by AnnoyedBlackGuy July 24, 2006
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That annoying fucking hairstyle that male emos have. You know, that flippy thing they do with there hair.
Yeah, I'm emo.
I tried to be individual by having the same fucking hairstyle as the next emo.
Yeah, It's called an Emo Fringe
by AnnoyedBlackGuy January 11, 2007
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Fo can mean the following
1. Slang for the number "four"

2. Slang for "for"

3. Slang for info, or information
1. Yo, gimme the fo discs

2. Fo Shizzle (For sure)

3. Gimme the fo on dat guy.
by AnnoyedBlackGuy August 10, 2006
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Simply means, just trying to get some sleep.
Damn...I haven't slept for 36 hours, I'm going to try to catch some zeds.
by AnnoyedBlackGuy May 30, 2007
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v. The act of dacking (pulling down someones pants), when
they are have an erection. Generally results in public
humiliation. Can also result in ostracisation from a
group, when it is performed when the "wankdackee" is
surrounded by males. Thus, the group assumes that this
person is homosexual.
Wankdacker: I have decided I am going to wankdack you.
Innocent Bystander: What is wankda...
Guy #1: Man, what the fuck dude.
Guy #2: Yeah, this is a Males Only place.
Guy #1: Oh...my..god

After this wankdackery, a swift rejection from the group follows.
by AnnoyedBlackGuy July 14, 2006
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A person enjoys the act of "Sexing" chickens. Often feared by normal Melbournians and Sydneysiders alike. Strikes fear into young childrens hearts. Eats emos and razor blades for breakfast. Goes by the name "Nancy" which is Vietnamese for "Anti-christ". Cool chick once you get to know her, but her trademark battle cry is "I have chickens and I ain't afraid to sex 'em." Generally this is the last thing you will hear if you do encounter her.
Scared Guy 1: "H0leh shiet tis t3h s3x0r of chekens!!!111"
Scared Guy 2: "You mean the chicken sexer"
Scared Guy 3: "May God have mercy on us all.
by AnnoyedBlackGuy July 22, 2006
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When you are feeling like absolute shit, and you vomit...and vomit and vomit, until you can't possibly vomit anymore.
"When he was punched in the gut after that fight and a couple of hundred beers, he thunder chundered"
by AnnoyedBlackGuy July 22, 2006
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