1 definition by Anasynth

A good movie that has become highly overrated. It's solid, but it is far from one of the best movies of all time. Some time ago, one could have enjoyed this movie, but now it has become annoying beyond all Hell because all the "cool" kids constantly quote it, force it into daily conversation, pimp it out, and call you a lame fuckhead with no taste if you say "Dude, it's getting fucking annoying now".
You know those people that constantly make reference jokes to The Matrix whenever somebody talks about philosophy or existence? Yeah, it's about as bad as that shit.

And no, it is not the origin of "fuck ass". This is just another example of people giving this movie far more credit than it deserves.

ADDED: Oh yeah, I like how everybody has wildly misinterpreted my definition and are now making personal attacks and assumptions against me. At least I now know that I've struck a nerve and have exposed the idiots on this site. :D:D:D
Hopefully the Boondock Saints sequel will blow, that way everybody will get the fuck off of the bandwagon.

by Anasynth December 5, 2004
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