23 definitions by Ami

A Japanese word, basically the equivalent of 'loser'.

Many Western anime/manga fans use it as a positive term for themselves, even though it is in fact negative.

However, there are people who know its correct use but are proud of being one anyway; just as some people are proud to call themselves 'losers'.
"Put that manga down and go outside, you otaku!"
by Ami April 17, 2004
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A plural of homie, meaning a group of frinds or members of a gang.
"I'm the G all ma homiez wanna be like"
"Ma homiez is down so don't arouse ma anger, fool"
by Ami July 19, 2003
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To become very upset, worried, flip out or freak out.
My mom tweaked out when she heard about me and Kaleb.
by Ami December 18, 2002
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Another way to say someone gives "head"
"i heared that chick gives some nice wobbles"
by Ami March 4, 2003
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If you type a search term into a search engine and only get one result, that result is a googlewhack. Presumably, a true googlewhack is one found on Google.com
No googlewhack lasts for long, as the Internet is always expanding and sometimes when people hear of a googlewhack, thy make a new website containing the search term and spoil it for everyone.
Search: adjunct puggle

HoadWorks - May 2000 Archive
... character MAROON 16) a vociferous soccer cry/cacophony/a cone's adjunct GOLDENROD
17 ... fart (arise at the crack of dawn), 1 knedle, 1 puggle (baby echidna ...
www.hoadworks.com/may2000.htm - 70k - Cached - Similar pages
by Ami July 18, 2003
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A friendly way of saying goodbye! like luv ya! etc... originates from ancient tribal slapping... when one man would slap another and shout 'humba' (roughly translated to slaps.)
Girl 1: so like omg, see you tomorrow!! bi bi xxxxxxxxxx
Girl 2: kk! Slaps!
Girl 1: luv ya 2!
by Ami March 13, 2005
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A Derro commenting on the appeal of a person in a sexual way. Often someone that is sexually appealing and would like to be fucked.
Dude that chick is an absolute spunk rat.
by Ami April 12, 2004
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