4 definitions by Alpharat53

The taste of minty toothpaste mixed with basically any other taste on earth, leading to the shittiest taste ever
I forgot I brushed my teeth so my orange juice tasted like shitmint
by Alpharat53 July 23, 2017
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A sex move where you take minced onion and ginger drowned in hot sauce and put it in a stretched anal cavity before letting go of the rim of the reciever's ass, letting the mixture remain in their colon till they shit it out
by Alpharat53 July 25, 2017
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The placement of fingers on a musical instrument to create a specific note………perv
Great job at the violin recital, Jimmy! But work on your fingering next time
by Alpharat53 August 10, 2016
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The belief that women, who are already treated almost exactly equally in society as men, should have more power, privilege, money, etc than men because fuck guys. Despite the fact that men have done almost everything in history, including protect and do almost everything for women, they are all racist bigoted oppressors.
Guy 1: This girl I went out with got angry when I paid the check without asking, but got even angrier when I asked to split it!
Guy 2: fucking feminism
by Alpharat53 November 13, 2016
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