25 definitions by Alexis

Idol Forums aka IDF, is the most welcoming place ever. It is mostly geared toward American Idol and American Juniors and Candadian Idol. It also has a Soap Box (advice) and Off topic (speaks for its self) Seriously the best website Ive ever signed up for.

"OH MAN MY LIFE SUCKS, but everything is good once I log into idolforums"

"OMG! I totally missed American Idol, but know my friends on IDF can gimmie a vid"

"I made the best blend for a giveaway everrrr"

"Dang that Rishiboy, closed my spam thread on IDF again!"
by Alexis February 7, 2005
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Son is like your friends or your a nigga you real cool with that you say wassup to.
by Alexis December 2, 2003
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When you are in the verge of commiting suicide, you go to this crappy site.
Some people actually waste their money
to look better, so they can get "screwerd."
Before I shoot myself in the head, let me go to habbo hotel, afterall, it will bore me to death!
by Alexis April 18, 2005
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flowbeat // f'low-be"at comes from the ancient tribes in South Africa, primarily Zimbabwe and Lemba.

Used during ceremony, young children becoming tribal members are to flowbeat, or masturbate, until they can draw an outline of the greatest God, Chzeklemokikakakakaina, onto the richest soil in the land with their cum.
by Alexis May 25, 2004
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usually referring to cigarettes. A pack of cigarettes. Singular cigarette.
Can i have one of yours? I left my stoogies in the car.
by Alexis March 26, 2005
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The place where you take a Joil... aka... the crapper
I need to give the joilet a visit
by Alexis January 19, 2004
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you phaggort you just killed my last guy
by Alexis March 5, 2005
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