2 definitions by Alexiel

The former name of the awesome hit funk/jazz/rock band, Maroon 5.
"Wow, 'Maroon 5' was called 'Kara's Flowers'?? Glad they changed the name...'Maroon 5 is fun to say."
by Alexiel March 3, 2005
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A small, mythological creature, most often depicted as a tiny female human with insect wings. These creatures are said to frolick and live in forests, helping plant life grow and playing pranks on unsuspecting humans.

There are many types of faeries with different functions. To name a few: pixies, sprites, sylphs, nymphs, gnomes.
As the villager walked through the forest, he discovered a group of faeries dancing and weaving their magic.
by Alexiel March 31, 2005
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