8 definitions by Alexei Tajzler

The standard "medium" size for most Americans.
Hmmm, Damn, just XXL. Do you have anything bigger?
by Alexei Tajzler December 27, 2002
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To have sex with someone and then never talk to them again. Often done by guys who are jackasses, or on college spring breaks.
College guy1: Dude, She's leaving tommorrow to go back home to Delaware.
College guy2: Hit it N' Quit it man!
by Alexei Tajzler December 27, 2002
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shorted version of the often mispelled "tomorrow", used in IRC or chat programs such as AIM/ICQ/MSN etc...
"k dude, cya 2maro."
by Alexei Tajzler December 27, 2002
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When two males, either of the same family lines or two really drunk friends, attack each other with their streams of urine.
CollegeGuy1: Move over, I challenge you to a sword fight.
CollegeGuy2: Yeah sur...wait, WHAT? Are you drunk?
by Alexei Tajzler May 24, 2003
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Nickname for Sigma Chi National Fraternity. Sigma Chi is often known as the sports frat, ie the "macho" guys, long with sigMa CHI.
Working out? Again? Dude, you should have joined Machi.
by Alexei Tajzler June 5, 2003
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