2 definitions by AlanHarper

The coming out party for celebrity vag. The first time cooter gets shown getting out of a limo.
Did you see Britney's dress the other night? Neither did I, all I saw was vag as she got out of the limo, she was right on time for her Cuntillion
by AlanHarper February 26, 2009
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When some action you took resulted in a flurry of emails being sent to you - could be positive or negative.
After putting the boots to a girl at a company retreat, the following e-maelstrom resulted.
1. OMG, I can't believe you drilled Mary from accounting. ROFLMAO! Dave
2. WTF, ur such a d-bag, you haven't even spoken to her since. Elaine.
by AlanHarper February 23, 2009
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