2 definitions by Aguyonmlia

The remaining fluids from one's encounters or the reference to such matters regarding such fluids remaining.
Girl: Well, where is your residue from last night?
Boy: In my sheets or in a hoe.
by Aguyonmlia March 4, 2010
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Transportation for bored band geeks who have to slave away for the school that they attend and a place where boredom is cured by many activities ranging from singing stupid songs with the drumline to playing countless games of truth-or-dare that ruin a persons year and the innocence that they once had.
Tuba Player: Dude, the band bus is going to be fun tonight!
Baritone Player: As long as I don't have to see that guy put his face in that other guy's crotch or see fat people in green sparkly thongs.
by Aguyonmlia March 4, 2010
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