3 definitions by AdamR

Adj. Very early in the morning. Truncated form of 'at the crack of dawn'.
As we had a 12 hour car journey ahead of us, we had to be up at the crack.
by AdamR December 30, 2008
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Adj. Exhibiting a high degree of lunacy. Can be associated with homicidal tendencies.
He said he'd been taken up in a spaceship and fucked in the arse by aliens. They'd left a chip up there. Now he's just sitting there, rocking and laughing. He's as mad as a meataxe.
by AdamR December 30, 2008
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A straight man with many lesbian friends.

John doesn't get hassled at the Dyke bar because he is a total Lezbro.
by AdamR July 23, 2007
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