288 definitions by Adam

Get Nude On Cam, Mostly Used In Sex Chat Room's But Not Many People Use It And Its Mostly Used By Pedo's
pedo: asl ?
young girl: 14-f-uk
pedo: GNOC
young girl : huh ?
by Adam February 12, 2005
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Made popular by Bailey Scourey. A Makeout Hug is technically...hugging for an extended period of time...usually between 2-10 minutes.
"Wow, that makeout hug was like, 20 minutes long."
by Adam May 7, 2005
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..when an individual is persuaded in his/her actions or decisions as a direct result of a female he/she is interested in or in a relationship with.

..Behavior changes based on ones interest in a female as a direct result of ensuing tail.

derived from poontang and cloud
Haven't heard from peter in a while, he must be under the poon cloud still.


Don't mind him he isn't acting as he should the poon cloud is to thick.
by Adam March 24, 2004
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mrs. gross has some jinky ass eyes.
by Adam February 24, 2005
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Only found on males. Havin no muscles so your ribs stick out like a bird cage, hince the term bird chest.
That lil nigga was so weak i crushed his punk ass bird chest wit one blow.
by Adam February 25, 2005
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A Size King is a well-endowed man who actively seeks out size queens (men who only like huge dicks). Some men who are hung become size kings because they like to be with men who will really focus on their penis and it's size. A true size king advertises his endowment to "bait" potential size queens.
"You're sure showing a lot of dick bulge tonight, Dan."

"Of course I am. I'm not going to hide it...I need to meet some size queens at the club, and I want them to know that I'm a Size King"
by Adam August 26, 2008
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Anal retention is the process were someone can retain matter in thier anus. This can be liquid, they can then squirt it out like an elephants trunk.
People often attend gym sessions to build up thier anal retentiveness, thus they can hold more liquid.
Greedy people like this as they can jack all the water at a party, or other such gala occasion.(see example)
Thas my water (suuuuuuk), if you want it get it from my anus, bitch!
by Adam February 2, 2005
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