5 definitions by AceNX

A musician, gaming youtuber, shitpost creator, video editor, and twitch streamer. Commonly known for his witty humor and talents within various forms of media. Sometimes known as "Guitar Jesus" for his haircut/musical skills, and "God" for seemingly knowing all.
Dude I love watching Tinflint! He's the funniest guy around!
by AceNX June 15, 2021
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Zester Jest is an American super hero donning a black fedora, red jacket, and a pickaxe from the videogame "Minecraft". This hero is most known for drinking heavy amounts of energy drinks, and appearing in a YouTube parody video.
My favorite super hero is Zester Jest!
by AceNX May 24, 2021
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An absolutely unreliable internet connection, commonly crashing up to 4 times a night.
Man I hate Spectrum.
by AceNX May 24, 2021
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Rinniken is a full name version of the common name "Rin". This is often a name used to describe someone obsessed with anime girls, akin to how Karens want to speak to the manager.
"You see Kyle last night?"
"Yeah man, his room is just like every other Rinniken"
by AceNX February 24, 2023
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A YouTuber based around synthwave aesthetics, and various forms of content. Content includes vaporwave edits, speedruns, shitposts, comedy, and other gaming related content. To be called AceNX is to be called a YouTuber who struggles to stay consistent with something.
"Dude I'm such an AceNX"
"Get cucked, nerd."
by AceNX May 28, 2021
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