5 definitions by ARKELZ

like aight, but signifying you not only understand, or heard something, but you have issues with it or querres
See also aight
Example 1
Fred, lets go to the movies
Shelly: aight
example 2
Fred: lets go to the movies
Shelly, all aight but your paying
by ARKELZ November 15, 2007
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When you finger a chick, and afterwards your fingers smell like tuna pussy
Fred: jezus man, Nat has a bad case of stunk finger,
Greg: Eeeww, shes so dog
Fred: yeah
by ARKELZ November 15, 2007
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another way of saying owned, dominated, screwed, pwned or fuked.
Dude, I yezzed him at COD4

I totaly yezzed her... hard
by ARKELZ November 14, 2007
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the most aussie word ever!! Used to describe a real annoying dikhead
sik aussie kunt: steve is such a knob jock
Idoiot skip: Whats that?
sik aussie kunt shakes his head and walks away
by ARKELZ November 16, 2007
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