19 definitions by ALEXfromExeter

adv. phrase. All the way. In drinking, consume a whole keg. In sex, go to home plate. In parties, dance and drink and throw up.
John pushed that keg to the max.
by ALEXfromExeter July 26, 2005
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What you drink when you're hung over. With a lime wedge.
Bunny: For Christ sake, this headache is killing me.

Frank: Me too, I’ll go get some Perriers.
by ALEXfromExeter July 25, 2005
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v. Smoke. Indicates largesse, as in, "Let's light up a few bones/rettes (joints/cigarettes)."
Let's skip third period and light a few up before the pep rally.
by ALEXfromExeter July 25, 2005
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Dom Perignon. Said by College kids, even though they can rarely afford it.
You graduated from Miss Porter's? We should open a bottle of dp!
by ALEXfromExeter July 26, 2005
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n. The Loop on the top of the back pleat on button-down shirts. AKA, ripcord.
Frank threw Fred to the ground by his Fag Tag.
by ALEXfromExeter July 26, 2005
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Gin and Tonic. What you drink at the club before, during, and after a tennis game.
Fred: Want to play doubles with me and Martha?

Stan: Sure thing Fred, right after I finish my G&T, and my wife finishes the pool boy.
by ALEXfromExeter July 26, 2005
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Home Town Honey. That person on whom you cheat while you're away at prep school or college.
I can't wait to get back to Exeter, and away from my HTH.
by ALEXfromExeter July 26, 2005
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