156 definitions by AL

The only natural science that can be broken down into the categories "making drugs" and "blowing stuff up". Unfortunately, chemistry isn't all fun and games, mostly because of chemistry teachers, who are always bitching about things like "significant figures" and "molality versus molarity".
Remember that chemistry demonstration where the teacher burned his eyebrows off? That was hilarious.
by AL February 5, 2004
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Spam javelin. Pork sword. Meat maypole. Salami shagpipe. Turkey drumstick. Lamb length. Kebab tube. Mutton muff masher.
by AL October 13, 2003
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1. Fast food restuarant chain.

2. Recently second largest private landholder in the world (after the Catholic Church), as McDonald's attempts to own all land on which franchises are built.

3. An establishment that should be renamed Fatass, because:
a. They could get away with it.
b. You could "plus size" things, and get "fat fries", not to mention the "fatass burger".
c. People suing them would have to make the arguement that "Fatass" never warned them that eating there would make them fat.
1. The McDonald's Shake isn't even called a milk shake, mainly on account of false advertising claim laws.

2. The man who owns McDonald's is wealthier than most people think, or even could imagine in concrete terms.

3. Yeah, I got a Fatty Meal at Fatass today. I gotta stop eating there, cause I think it might be making me fat.
by AL October 12, 2003
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A contraction of the sentence "Thanks, ants". From the BBC programme "Look Around You".
Time to say thanks ants. "Thants".
by AL September 23, 2004
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bunch of cunts taking the piss out of our musical heritage. Thin Lizzy rule!
Linkin Pork, sorry I'll respell that, Stinking Pork.
by AL December 12, 2004
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1. A lifestyle for people who didn't get out enough to join a real cult. Involves reading "technical manuals", obsessing about minute details of trivia, and attending conventions where 90% of the people are wearing spandex.

2. One of several shows that feature spandex-wearing people from "the future". Characterized by total lack of plot, total lack of acting ability by leads, terrible dialogue, "alien" races with identical-to-human behaviors and norms, a tendency to always be on one of UPN, Sci-Fi, TNN, or WB late=nights, and complete overuse of the "ass-shot" (a camera shot where the actor is zoomed in or out on using the ass as a focal point).

3. Starting point of Willaim Shattner's career.
1. I drove past a Star-Trek convention the other day and swore I'd become a Branch-Dividian before I ever did that shit.

2. I was watching UPN at 3 am when Star-Trek came on, but I wound up watching the Home-Shopping Network, because at least they have decent cinematography.

3. Willaim Shattner was on Star-Trek? You mean that guy who does spoken versions of rap songs?
by AL October 14, 2003
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