11 definitions by A-train

A fine ass girl with a nectar, sweet, tight ass trhat can be grabbed with one hand. She is uber hot and is in an abusive relationship and has a queermo, fatass Jew friend.
Juston and I gave Pippy the doublestuff in gym.
by A-train April 17, 2005
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Jerking your wang off to some nice ass biznatches. You goota lub up the sausage though, you can't grab it dry jerk it.
"I was greasing my sausage all night on Mrs. Bonakdar's fine ass."
by A-train April 17, 2005
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1.(sin) The term referring to a single paintball.

2.(pl) The term referring to the sport of paintball
1. "I shot you in the face with a splat"

2. "Lets go play some splats"
by A-train March 6, 2005
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A flaming faggot, the ultimate queermo. A Queernof Ice is such a flamer that being around him is unbearable. His mere presence sickens you. They prefer to wear women's jeans and sometimes pretend to be straight but everyone know's they are queerer then a play.
Look at that queernof ice John David, what a flamer, let's go throw rocks at him.
by A-train April 17, 2005
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Early Morning Hard On - Found primarily among young males of the species
I woke up this morning with a total EMHO!
by A-train March 10, 2003
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The act of raping one via the internet. Analogous to cyber sex, except one of the two people does not want the sexually oriented messages. The recieving party feels harassed and scared as the cyber raper makes vulgar post like: "Show me your jumblies bitch, im gonna cock you so hard."
Chuck cyber raped me last night. He kept telling to call him stumpy while he munged a corpse.
by A-train April 17, 2005
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"the hungry baby elephant suckled from its mothers frosty TEET"

k thnx. teet. use it.
by A-train March 9, 2005
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