2 definitions by 8mmDevil

When the media or other gatekeepers of acceptable discourse want to discredit an idea or an individual, without themselves making any negative or critical comments directly, they find a morally detestable character to endorse the person or idea, thus manufacturing guilt by association with a person they would otherwise never consult, or give credence to their opinion. That poisonous proxy is known as an "Authoritative Duke", after David Duke, a man who would never be part of a mainstream political discussion except to be a tool to ritually contaminate an enemy of the media. David Duke, being quite powerless on his own, is a willing participant in the charade, because it conveys a false sense of authority on him whereas otherwise he is an untouchable.
"The new outrage is ready for us to amplify, but I'm afraid most people won't be outraged. If we reporters speak out against it, then it will show our bias too strongly. We need an Authoritative Duke so people know what side of the issue good people are supposed to be on," opined Reporter One.
"So, call Richard Spencer back on?" queried Reporter Two.
"Yes, exactly, he'll be thrilled," resolved Reporter One.
by 8mmDevil October 13, 2019
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A portmanteau of "offended" and "humanitarian". It describes someone who has made a lifestyle out of finding deep offense in most any situation. Usually offense is found "on behalf" of other people who represent a definable group that the offenditarian themselves are clearly not a part of.
This is usually to make a display of "solidarity", an important word in the lexicon of offenditarians.
There is a strict hierarchy of human value, with handicapable African American lesbian female gendered womyn taking the top spot, and white cysgendered males being "worth" only 1/16th of the former.
The irony of offenditarianism is that if one becomes offended on behalf of someone higher on the value scale, the person higher up can use that to then become offended by the "patronizing," "colonialist" mindset of the offenditarian.
"Why is that girl running down the street and screaming at the ice cream truck?"
"The driver is wearing all white, a trademark outfit of early 20th Century eugenicists."
"Is the ice cream man a eugenicist?"
"No, but the girl is afraid someone might think he is, she is an offenditarian."
by 8mmDevil October 30, 2011
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