1 definition by 20GnarGnar12

The girl on Facebook who:
-Post hundreds of photos of just herself.
-Under each of the hundreds of photos comments "I look so ugly in this one."
-Brings the endless amounts of drama she creates in her life onto Facebook with her.
-Has a new boyfriend every week.
-Marries her best friend on Facebook.
-Has a Facebook status explaining how she is "so upset right now"

Also a meme.
-Says all guys are the same.
-Is a complete attention whore.
-Uses hashtags on Facebook.
-Is part of the 'Most beautiful teen competition'
-Post bikini pictures cropping out her face
-Does duckfaces
"Gosh, Whitney is such an idiot on facebook"
"I know, what an annoying facebook girl."
by 20GnarGnar12 June 11, 2012
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