4 definitions by 123456

Nobody cares if some place is like 5 seconds north of the city, all Long islanders hear is "north" and think "oh you live in the country"
Check out Brooklynguy's entries if you hate LOng island, he says LI is Upstate!! (iw ould agree)
by 123456 November 24, 2004
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See bevvie, bevvied.

Slang term for a drink (beverage), usually alcoholic, most often beer or lager. Can also be used in to describe the process of getting steaming drunk.
1. F*@k me, I've had a shit day at work. Could murder a bevvy.

2. "Did you see Billy puking hits guts outside the pub last night"
"Yeah, what a wanker, only takes 6 pints and he's well bevvied!"
by 123456 May 25, 2004
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Someone who believes they are always right, and better than everyone. Also cannot take abuse
The epitome of arrogance is David Punter
by 123456 December 2, 2004
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