1 definition by .BaKa-NEKO.

In the world of fandom (check out fan fiction, fanfiction, fanfic(s), or fic(s)), a lemon is a story which consists of sexually explicit themes and situations.


Limes: More romantic and cuddly than sexual, with some fooling around and kissing.

PWP: Stands for “Porn Without Plot” or “Plot? What Plot?” Much more hardcore and to the point than lemons. As the name suggests, it’s all about sex, and is completely absent of any storyline or plot that would take place in a lemon or lime.

You can google Harry Potter lemons (just about any popular work of fiction for teens will do) or google anime lemons.
Um... lemon... ^__^;;
by .BaKa-NEKO. November 7, 2007
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