1 definition by ûichibib!

Feminism was originally the fight by women to have the same rights and opportunities as men have. But in the early 2010's, hembrismo (the opposite for machismo) emerged. It consists of male hatred, victimism, fake demands for ''sexist violence'', calling EVERYTHING sexist and not worrying by ACTUAL sexism, like women oppression in the Middle East and Africa. I don't know what happens to that in the USA (I don't live there) but in Spain, Government, media, and moralists support them. GREAT. Hembrists minimize men oppression, maximize current western sexism (which is very little and sometimes insignificant), and want ''''''''''gender equality'''''''''. Another term for ''hembrist'' could be ''feminazi'', but that's offensive and personally I don't want to use it.
''Feminists are not hembrists! They're just people who want actual gender equality''

Feminist: Let's get over with the salarial inequality in Spain! (Yes, at least in Spain, for every euro that earns a man, a woman earns ~80 cents)
Hembrist: YEAH!!! LET'S ALSO GET OVER WITH SEXIST ADS!!!!!!!!!! I SAW A DISHWASHER AD WITH A WOMAN IN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO SEXIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111111
Feminist: Yeah, that's a bit sexist, but not a big deal. I think we should worry more about Saudi women's situation than about that ad...
Hembrist: YOU SEXIST PIECE OF SHEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TO HELLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!! I'M GONNA COMPLAIN IN TWITTER ABOUT YOU AND SAY YOU'RE A QUITE SEXIST WOMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Hembrist: *Goes to Twitter and posts ''i fond a wuman dat sais shee worrys + about saudee cunts dan about a super seksist ad dat foments that oll women shood b deeshwashas!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111 evryone go kil dat woman!!!!!''*
by ûichibib! June 16, 2018
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