10 definitions by (SIC)Drummer

The best Nu-Metal Band. Badass singer, badass guitar, badass bass, badass drummer... just plain BADASS!
Lesten to Dig, Not Falling, Shadow of a Man, Coal, anything by Mudvayne!
by (SIC)Drummer November 7, 2004
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An alternitive way of typing, using symbols to form letters. It's very annoying, and the inventor of this shit will be killed if not already dead. Mostly used in online Video Games.
by (SIC)Drummer November 7, 2004
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A FPS game that copied Quake (good move) and is very popular. Has a good cheat protection (unlike Counter Strike) and has a very good editing program.
I'm gonna go play Unreal Tournament now.
by (SIC)Drummer November 7, 2004
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1. A Slipknot fan.
2. A little person.
3. A baby fly.
1. I'm a Maggot! (sic)
2. Get out of the way you maggot.
3. Why are there maggots all over your room?
by (SIC)Drummer November 7, 2004
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A little boreing town. It sucks ass, and it's symbol is a pathetic little well.
I hate Martinsville.
by (SIC)Drummer November 7, 2004
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A term given to anyone who stays in one place and kills other players in an online FPS video game. Sometimes confused with a sniper, or a defensive person. Gets lame when he/she attempts to stay in the same spot the hole match of the game and shots a spawning-point over and over again just to get kills.
by (SIC)Drummer November 7, 2004
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