1 definition by &%*&^*^()

A bad girl is someone who knows what she wants and will stop at nothing to get it. she's not afraid to do and say what others only dream about. she's looked down on as a trashy slutty drunk girl in society. but in all reality she does what everyone wants to do, she just has enough guts to do it. she's the life of the party and isn't afraid to put a bitch in her place if she crosses the line. people may think she's out of control,but the truth is that she has a reason for why she does what she does, you just dont know it.
Look at that girl, shes dancin on tables, makin out with a guy, and throwin her drink at the girl who called her a bicth, shes a BAD GIRL!
by &%*&^*^() March 17, 2010
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