An ancient plant, refrenced biblically {the Holy Herb}.
Gets you rocked, and has been proven to be less harmful then alcohol or cigarettes. It has never been conclusively proven to have caused a single death in the entire world, ever.
Easily avalible in most forign countries, and Alaska, where everybody grows it anyway.
Can be purchased by the (if you're lucky) gram, or (not so lucky) by standard measurements. (1/8th of an ounce, 1/4er, 1/2, ect. An eigth usually weighs 3.75, depending on the weight of the baggie and weather or not you're buying from an asshole. There are dealers, and then there are professionals.) usual prices for the sticky-icky-icky (Not that cheap mexican shite, but tanqueray-and-chronic-chronic) can run from $30 to $50 and even $60 an eigth. I even heard it ran eighty an eigth out on Kodiack Island, but you gotta look at the market from a local poiont of view.
It's easier to get then liquor if you're under 21.
It will not cause you to shoot your friend with the gun you found in your parent's bedroom while they weren't home. (That's shitty parenting, folks, not the pot!)
It's healthier then Xanax if you're just looking to ignore your troules for a few hours.
A biennial Youth Risk Behavior Survey, released May 21 by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stated that more of america's youth smoke pot then cigarettes.
It's a step in the right direction, folks!
"I had to back up off of it and sit my cup down, Tanqueray and chronic, yeah I'm fucked up now!"
~ Snoop Dogg
by deathtobees October 02, 2004
by Bianca February 23, 2005
doobage, bud, herb, left-handed ciggarette, wacky tobacky, pot, smoke, gonga, reefer, the 11th special herb in KFC's recipe, green, dank, you get the picture.
by Big Chief Smack-a-Ho February 06, 2003
Why drink & drive when you can smoke & fly?
Weed is marijuana. It's less harmful then alcohol & cigarettes put together. You can be baked, blazed, stoned, or high. You can toke, smoke, or hit. Whatever you want to call it, it's the best feeling in the world.
Marijuana is a plant that came from the earth. If God didn't want us to have it, why would he put it here? & if you don't believe in God then here's one for you. It comes from the ground, so it's ALL natural. Nothing harmful about it.
If your parents smoke, tell them to stop cause it's bad for them then hand them a blunt.
Go grab a blunt, bowl, joint, or bong and chill on the couch when your parents aren't home. Make sure to have some air freshner, a change of clothes, eye drops, & gum near by.
Make it last. Don't waste it. Blow the smoke straight to the sky.
Take a nice long hit. Breathe it in, hold it, feel the rush, blow it out. It's that simple my friends. Don't be greedy, share the ganga.
Ganga, dro, chronic, weed, pot, maryjane, MJ, trees, reefer, herb, or whatever you want to call it.
by A.Baby July 04, 2006
by Bungalow Bill November 27, 2001
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