Swamp Puppies

"I'm going down to the bayou"
"Watch out for swamp puppies, they'll bite your dick off"
by elgupo May 13, 2017
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Swamp Puppy

A person born and raised in a wetland.

i.e. bayou, marsh, swamp, fen, moor, quagmire, bog, etc.
That swamp puppy got the black water in his blood.
by Gaialing April 10, 2011
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Swamp puppy

"That swamp puppy is coming in hot!"
-Some dude on Instagram
by Russellsroughneck November 18, 2023
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Swamp puppy

A non-aggressive American alligator or crocodile, often found in the Everglades. Swamp puppies are usually found in the water, swimming around, chilling below the surface, and being peaceful lizard bois.
“Hey guys, I’m in the Florida Everglades and I just found this huge swamp puppy. Isn’t he cute?”
by soda drink December 12, 2023
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