
An animal that could've killed Steve Irwin until a stupid stingray decided to do it instead.
(Sometime in 2003)

Steve Irwin - As you can see, this ferocious crocodile is showing some aggressiveness, crikey!

(On the morning of Monday, September 4, 2006)

Steve Irwin - That motherfucking stingray just stung me in my chest with its poisonous barb! Thanks to all my fans for a wonderful life that shouldn't have been taken away so abruptly.

(Steve Irwin dies soon after he's pulled out of the water)
by neurodistortion September 6, 2006
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An older gay man who preys on/lusts after young gay men; a gay cougar of sorts.
"He likes expensive wine too much. He's total crocodile bait."
by jah242 March 27, 2010
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Australian slang - colloquial term for an amorous female
wrestling a crocodile
ie - to engage in consensual intercourse with an amorous female
by dan October 1, 2004
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Verb: I crocodile you.
Noun: I have crocodile in my heart.
by crocodile123456789 October 29, 2012
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insincere or false when used adjectivally. From crocodile tears (=false sympathy).
by uttam maharjan November 14, 2010
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A stapler, hand-operated or electric.
Out of staples! Gotta feed the crocodile!
by pentozali August 27, 2008
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I was late showing up so all the beer was "crocodile".
by G_MON May 23, 2007
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