
to take and break down what's already been used and then make it into something else that appears brand new.
it's for you.
by etchasketch January 6, 2004
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A concept outside America that is used commonly as a slogan among enviromentalists, some politicians and the like. Recycling is when someone takes used paper, tin cans, milk jugs and the like to a recycling bin so it can be cruched down by machines to be a new product. However a few of the posters here tend to use it as a sex term. And oh a decent source of cash if you need that few extra cents.
Jerry stole the bottles in the recycle bin in his school and traded it off at the recycling center so he could get a few extra dollars.
by derek October 30, 2005
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"My think my number is getting too high."

"Recycle one of your exes."
by Maria Angeline June 29, 2006
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When two people lie side-by-side, laying in opposite directions with their backs arched and facing each other. At this point it is possible for each partner to defecate into the mouth of the other partner where they can consume it simultaneously.

It went pretty well. Rebecca and I made out for a while and then went back to my place to recycle
by MC McPoopPants June 18, 2010
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recycle (noun): something that is used, but not used up and saved for further use at a later time.
He put the cud of chew back in the can. In these tough times, he thought, one must recycle to get by.
by Dr. Foo May 18, 2009
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That boring as shit chore that has to be done every other Tuesday thus making Tuesday a shit day.
Bro 1: Dude, wanna chill?
Bro 2: I can't broheim, I have to do recycle.
Bro 1: Oh, I forgot, it's the shittiest day of the week: Tuesday.
by AlGoreisacrackhead March 29, 2011
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Always going back to, and/or keeping your ex's around and on check for sexual purposes. (Booty calls..etc)

He really doesn't get a lot of girls, he just recycles his bitches.
by ohhhhyouknow March 4, 2009
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