r/neoliberal is one of the most rational, logical, polite online communities you'll ever find, and as a supporter of free speech it pleases me that Reddit would allow such a beautiful, booming hub of economic discussion, egalitarianism and calls for fostering of free democracy to exist.
Karl Marx: Hey I just read the r/neoliberal sidebar and now I completely regret writing all my evil commie books
by I have abandoned humanity UwU October 15, 2021
basically Liberals who hate both reagan and thatcher yet choose to call themselves neoliberals just to piss off both socialists and conservatives thus maintaining quality policy discussions based on academic evidence and consensus among professionals(like scientists, urban planners, economists, doctors etc) instead of bullshit peddled by far-left and far-right. Your "common sense" and historical materialism are not substitutes for empirical evidence.
they mostly believe in the fact that regulated market economies with global free trade, free movement of capital and labor leads to massive reduction in poverty and increase in human welfare and incomes of all groups. some commies think that poverty isn't declining instead the world bank has reduced the poverty line which is again bullshit, you can see poverty rate at different poverty lines here: ourworldindata.org/no-matter-what-global-poverty-line
sometimes r/neoliberal come across as smug technocrats, not that its a bad thing. Singapore is technocracy after all.
Originally shitposting sub for r/badeconomics .
they mostly believe in the fact that regulated market economies with global free trade, free movement of capital and labor leads to massive reduction in poverty and increase in human welfare and incomes of all groups. some commies think that poverty isn't declining instead the world bank has reduced the poverty line which is again bullshit, you can see poverty rate at different poverty lines here: ourworldindata.org/no-matter-what-global-poverty-line
sometimes r/neoliberal come across as smug technocrats, not that its a bad thing. Singapore is technocracy after all.
Originally shitposting sub for r/badeconomics .
Person 1: Why are people getting so radical nowadays? everyone thinks they have the whole world figured out and they know more than consensus of professionals who worked their whole life in their respective fields.
Person 2: yeah bro, people are getting their policy takes from BreadTube, Elon Musk, Jordan Peterson, Zizek, Karl Marx and other over-glorified idiots. You should visit r/neoliberal, we only have policy discussions with proper citations of research papers.
Person 1: wow this place is kinda nice, I too love the global poor now.
Person 2: yeah bro, people are getting their policy takes from BreadTube, Elon Musk, Jordan Peterson, Zizek, Karl Marx and other over-glorified idiots. You should visit r/neoliberal, we only have policy discussions with proper citations of research papers.
Person 1: wow this place is kinda nice, I too love the global poor now.
by gigachad economist February 15, 2022