
"I take that papuh."
-CJ stealing some dough
by Dave November 29, 2004
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When you got that much paper you gotta hold it down." - Prodigy "Stuck On You"
by FlyAway July 18, 2011
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aha! my paper beat your rock!
by iamthelead January 23, 2005
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those little skinny things people used to write on before computers came along.
"I found some paper in my basement!"
"Shit really? I haven't seen one of those things in so long!"
by Kenny L.R. January 29, 2008
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im in a band of gypsies...were on the run...everytime that paper hits my tongue
by mrbr0wnst0ne July 13, 2009
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money derived from hustling, stealing,
prostitution or selling drugs
That ho knows its all about the paper.
by jerryekane May 4, 2003
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1. Money
2. Rizler - What you role joints with
3. What you buy some drugs, usually heroin, in
4. Prison term for parol
Person 1: You got tha chronic?
Person 2: Yeah man you got tha paper?
Person 1: Yeah lets role this bitch
by Unknown G April 18, 2007
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