To get together with someone and sit somewhere and drink something. Can be coffee in a cafe or can be beer in a pub or just sitting in the park drinking a beverage. Depends on what the people getting together feel like. Generally means getting together to do nothing but have a conversation.
by Cassanova January 9, 2007
guy 1- "how do you spend your free time"
guy 2- "i have a coffee drinking problem this is a cry for help i am being forced to live on coffee and my own shi-"
guy 2- "haha same"
guy 2- "i have a coffee drinking problem this is a cry for help i am being forced to live on coffee and my own shi-"
guy 2- "haha same"
by jade go kys September 26, 2021
RJ hosts a morning live program called "Having a Coffee with RJ." Though the show is called "Coffee with RJ," everyone jokingly knows it as a pseudonym for "Masturbation."
by The Team. June 12, 2021