
an ancient name given only to those who specifically enjoy making money off the corruption and slow death of others. the other words, the best of the worst.
dumaurier and players are corrosive
by CorrosiveTy May 26, 2008
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The name of a multiplayer map in Call of Duty: World at War. This map is medium sized, with many flank routes and tactical positions. Great for CQB and objective games.
I won a game of domination 200-33 in Corrosion an hour ago...
by MW2 Freak January 8, 2011
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corrosion of conformity

Raleigh's finest.
Don't give that "They're from New Orleans" shit.
I saw corrosion of conformity open up for Black Sabbath in 97 in Toronoto with Pantera, best show I ever saw.
by Borco January 31, 2016
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Corrosion Control

a group of rediculously good looking men who make it a habit of gang banging all the squadrons girlfriends (adj.) he whos profession is to paint jets and bang women inside jet intakes
guy 1:c/c ran a train on my girlfriend man.
guy 2:man! they gangbanged my mom last week,.
guy 1and2:i wish i were in corrosion control
by my new haircut July 11, 2008
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Corrosion inhibitors are the wide range of chemical compounds which helps to prevent corrosion on metal surface.Each of these compounds are designed for some unique applications.Corrosion is mainly recognized by its attack on boilers,closed loop chiller,engine coolants,cooling water tower,sodium and calcium chloride brine solution,mono ethylene brine solution.
Chemtex manufactures Corrosion Inhibitors to prevent corrosion.
Our company Chemtex Speciality Limited has mastered in corrosion inhibitors since past three decades.These chemical compounds are better known for their cost effective,highly productive nature.The various registered trade names under these prodect category are ALSTACOOL, ALSTHERM, PROTODIN, THEODIN for:-
• Cooling Water Scale and Corrosion Inhibitor
• Boiler Condensate Line Corrosion Inhibitor
• Boiler Water pH Booster / Alkalinity Builder
• Boiler Catalyzed Oxygen Scavenger
• Closed Loop Chiller / Hot Water Nitrite Corrosion Inhibitor
• Calcium Chloride Or Sodium Chloride Brine Corrosion Inhibitor
• Mono Ethylene Glycol Corrosion Inhibitor
• Propylene Glycol Corrosion Inhibitor
• Methanol Corrosion Inhibitor Diesel Engine Radiator
• Coolant Corrosion Inhibitor
by Chemtex Speciality Ltd April 18, 2013
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The brotherhood of fantastic corrosion is a theoretical

body of political possibility, the brotherhood

is, was, and always will be in opposition with The

alliance of incredible erosion. The idea behind the

brotherhood of fantastic corrosion is to oppose every
view the alliance of incredible erosion has, to a

completely equal degree, this equilibrium is a

representation and a juxtaposition of society, which

is the main friend and the main foe of each of the theoretical political groups.
The 'brotherhood of fantastic corrosion' opposes the alliance
by corrosion brotherhood January 9, 2010
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