
South Sudan Civil War is a clusterfuck beyond belief.
by Comrade Dio July 30, 2020
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worse than sticking your dick in an anthill for the rest of your life
person 1: would you rather move to south sudan or have your dick stuck in an anthill for -
sam: *slathers on honey* dude that place is a clusterfuck
by itsmebeany April 5, 2021
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OMG, that room is a clusterfuck!
by Starchylde December 30, 2015
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south sudan is a clusterfuck
by suns1202 February 12, 2021
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Military term for an operation in which multiple things have gone wrong. Related to "SNAFU" (Situation Normal, All Fucked Up") and "FUBAR" (Fucked Up Beyond All Repair).

In radio communication or polite conversation (i.e. with a very senior officer with whom you have no prior experience) the term "clusterfuck" will often be replaced by the NATO phonetic acronym "Charlie Foxtrot."
By the time the artillery came in the enemy was already on top of us. It was a total clusterfuck.
by Anonymous October 18, 2003
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Traditionally/originally of military origin.

Today, however, "clusterfuck" is commonly used to descriptively generalize any situation with a large scale of disarray.

possibly synonyms: mess, disaster
1. "Well, that concert was a clusterfuck."
2. "Did you see the clusterfuck of a traffic jam on Main St.?"
3. "That house party turned into a giant clusterfuck once those cops showed up!"
by Pat N. February 25, 2006
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A combination of things going extremely wrong in a short period of time within the same general activity -- caused by stupidity and/or ineptitude.

A polite term using the same initials would be compound fiasco.
This PR fiasco is a gigantic clusterfuck.
by Scandacious March 18, 2004
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