First-Person Shooter.
An FPS is a computer game genre that puts the player in a first-person perspective and usually involves shooting down opponents.
The first historical FPSes were Wolfenstein 3D, released some time around 1995, shortly followed by Doom that had multiplayer capabilities. Both by id software.
An FPS is a computer game genre that puts the player in a first-person perspective and usually involves shooting down opponents.
The first historical FPSes were Wolfenstein 3D, released some time around 1995, shortly followed by Doom that had multiplayer capabilities. Both by id software.
by loki goes rawr April 5, 2004
by Hoops McGlavin July 11, 2009
1) The short way of saying First Person Shooter, a type of game where you see everything through the character's eyes.
2) The short way of saying Frames Per Second, a way in measuring how fast animation frames go. The higher the FPS, the more smoothly a game will run. Lag decreases FPS.
2) The short way of saying Frames Per Second, a way in measuring how fast animation frames go. The higher the FPS, the more smoothly a game will run. Lag decreases FPS.
by Sirius123 May 8, 2007
1) Check out the new FPS game. Its so G man.
2) How fast is that?
22FPS man
3)That Bullet traveled 28FPS man
4)Jashish! YOU FPS! Hurry Up
2) How fast is that?
22FPS man
3)That Bullet traveled 28FPS man
4)Jashish! YOU FPS! Hurry Up
by RahulIsGay June 8, 2012
1. first person shooter. a shooter game seen from the main characters eyes.
2.frames per second. refers to how much power of your graphics card is being used.the higher the Fps,obviously, the higher the graphics quality.
2.frames per second. refers to how much power of your graphics card is being used.the higher the Fps,obviously, the higher the graphics quality.
by KingofBandits October 7, 2005
Abreviation for " First Person Shooter". This style of video game has brought millions and millions of people together online and makes them commit random acts of hatred against each other. Usually online play consists of Deathmatches and Capture the Flag gameplay. These can both be fun played in groups (see CLANS) , and are not that fun played alone (see DUMBASS). These games contain three types of gamers. First, the newb, who random shoots walls and foliage. Second, the moderate, who has enough skills to fight but is still as helpless as a parapaleigic in a swimming pool. Finaly, theres the master, who kills everyone at will and brags about his/her skills. These games can also be played single-player, but most of them are bought for the worldwide gaming experience. These games show you that you too can murder your friends and years down the road can laugh about it.
Abreviation for " First Person Shooter". This style of video game has brought millions and millions of people together online and makes them commit random acts of hatred against each other. Usually online play consists of Deathmatches and Capture the Flag gameplay. These can both be fun played in groups (see CLANS) , and are not that fun played alone (see DUMBASS). These games contain three types of gamers. First, the newb, who random shoots walls and foliage. Second, the moderate, who has enough skills to fight but is still as helpless as a parapaleigic in a swimming pool. Finaly, theres the master, who kills everyone at will and brags about his/her skills. These games can also be played single-player, but most of them are bought for the worldwide gaming experience. These games show you that you too can murder your friends and years down the road can laugh about it.
Any game with a veiw behind the weapon you are using, giving the sence that you are killing the person, wall, or tree you are shooting at.
by kÜjÔ September 30, 2004
FPS is an acronym for "fat pussy syndrome". When someone claims they have FPS they mean that they are a very attractive person with a high sex appeal.
by imthatbitchluv April 16, 2020