2 definitions by watchafallingknife

jingle mail

Jingle mail is the package containing the keys to your house that you send back to the bank when the interest rate on your adjustable-rate or IO/neg-am mortgage resets, or the property tax bill gets reassessed at double what it was two years ago, or you find out that heating and AC and repairs cost a ton of freaking money, or you lose your job because of the recession that's coming with the housing crash, and you can't make the payments any more.
My neighbor put up the Escalade and the Beemer that he bought with his third HELOC for sale, and has been having garage sales every week for the last month to raise cash ... I give it about 90 days till he sends in the jingle mail.
by watchafallingknife September 3, 2006
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fans, in Italian. Not hooligans. Does not exclude hooligans any more than "fans" in English does, but that's all it means: fans. Hooligans in Italian are "ultras," who do indeed often have strong political leanings to the right (Lazio ultras being the classic example). If "ultras" with strong political leanings to the left exist, it must be in a parallel universe ...

Antonio: ciao Vincenzo, Francesca, state tornando dalla partita?
Vincenzo: si', sai che siamo grandi tifosi della squadra, ma adesso dobbiamo fare la spesa per la mamma, e poi facciamo i compiti come i bravi ragazzi che siamo!

Translation: ciao Vincenzo, Francesco, are you coming back from the match?
Vicenzo: yes, you know we're huge tifosi of the team, but now we have to do the shopping for mamma and then we're going to do our homework like the good kids we are!
by watchafallingknife May 17, 2008
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