19 definitions by Mattersy
by Mattersy April 10, 2004
Old usage: the act of sailing around on a huge boat with a bunch of other guys (all of whom most likely are missing either one of their legs, hands, or eyes) and raiding spanish galleons up and down whatever coast you happen to be on. This action usually involves a lot of town pillaging, treasure looting, booty stealing, cutlass weilding, ARRR! yelling, parrot having, musket shooting, rum drinking, accordion playing, cannon cannoning, and buggery.
New usage: the act of stealing music, movies, unlicensed software, etc off of the internet. Usually done through a variety of p2p clients. This practice is of course denounced by the industry and they have launched a campaign of legal action and anti-piracy media featuring the likes of M E Hart aimed at destroying piracy, but all indications as of now are that it will survive.
In both cases, piracy is awesome.
New usage: the act of stealing music, movies, unlicensed software, etc off of the internet. Usually done through a variety of p2p clients. This practice is of course denounced by the industry and they have launched a campaign of legal action and anti-piracy media featuring the likes of M E Hart aimed at destroying piracy, but all indications as of now are that it will survive.
In both cases, piracy is awesome.
Up with piracy!
by Mattersy June 2, 2004
Any form of music that is made by nerds, for nerds, or about nerdly things. Nerdcore can be made in any style of music, but most people identify it in either its pop-punk or hip-hop forms. Although many people think the term "nerdcore" was made up by MC Frontalot, it has in fact been in use by rock bands for many years prior to Frontalot's use of the term.
Nerdcore should not be confused with bands that are simply stereotypically popular with nerds such as They Might Be Giants, DEVO, Ween, etc.
Musicians in this genre include (but are by no means limited to):
Nerf Herder
Warp 11
The Aquabats (definately moreso in their later albums)
The Phenomenauts (Mainly because of their pre-occupation with science)
The Mathematicians
MJ Hibbet
MC Frontalot
MC Chris
MC Lars
MC Hawking
MC Paul Barman
Del Tha Funkee Homosapian (specifically on the "Deltron 3030" album)
Optimus Rhyme
The Lords Of The Rhymes
The NESkimos
The Laziest Men On Mars
Weird Al
Nerdcore should not be confused with bands that are simply stereotypically popular with nerds such as They Might Be Giants, DEVO, Ween, etc.
Musicians in this genre include (but are by no means limited to):
Nerf Herder
Warp 11
The Aquabats (definately moreso in their later albums)
The Phenomenauts (Mainly because of their pre-occupation with science)
The Mathematicians
MJ Hibbet
MC Frontalot
MC Chris
MC Lars
MC Hawking
MC Paul Barman
Del Tha Funkee Homosapian (specifically on the "Deltron 3030" album)
Optimus Rhyme
The Lords Of The Rhymes
The NESkimos
The Laziest Men On Mars
Weird Al
by Mattersy May 25, 2005
He pushes bread down their throats. He is here to protect you from the terrible secret of space.
by Mattersy April 25, 2004
Second in the great Romero Dead Trilogy, after Night Of The Living Dead and before Day Of The Dead. Considered by many to be the best of the three, and indeed the best Zombie movie ever made.
Features an inept pilot who can;t swing a hammer for crap, a pregnant chick, a black dude who REALLY likes bread, a badass white dude who screams all the time, a scientist with an eyepatch, and a great many memorable zombies (Hare Krishna Zombie, Fat Disgusting Zombie, Zombies with afros, and Gun-Carryin' Zombie)
Was recently remade into a more 28 Days Later-esque movie, with action scenes that ALL ripped off an Australian Zombie movie zimply called "Undead." Although the remake did have several good moments, including a zombie baby, and some cameos from the origional actors.
Features an inept pilot who can;t swing a hammer for crap, a pregnant chick, a black dude who REALLY likes bread, a badass white dude who screams all the time, a scientist with an eyepatch, and a great many memorable zombies (Hare Krishna Zombie, Fat Disgusting Zombie, Zombies with afros, and Gun-Carryin' Zombie)
Was recently remade into a more 28 Days Later-esque movie, with action scenes that ALL ripped off an Australian Zombie movie zimply called "Undead." Although the remake did have several good moments, including a zombie baby, and some cameos from the origional actors.
by Mattersy March 22, 2004
One of the worst films of all time, being beat out possibly by only Plan 9 From Outer Space and Monster A Go-Go. It contains all of 3 sets, a random Frank Zappa looka-alike, and Torgo, who is perhaps the sexiest man of all time (with his own amazingly repeditive and annoying theme music to boot).
by Mattersy January 10, 2004
An extremely mediocre band that was the precurser to the emo/indie explosion in the US. Their music can range from light-hearted and fun songs about lesbians to the whiny and extremely annoying songs about lesbians.
Weezer is also note-worthy for the fact that they have been kicked out of everry musical genre they have attempted to become a part of. First they were kicked out of nerdcore, then they were kicked out of emo, then they were kicked out of the muppets. It's kinda sad really.
Weezer is also note-worthy for the fact that they have been kicked out of everry musical genre they have attempted to become a part of. First they were kicked out of nerdcore, then they were kicked out of emo, then they were kicked out of the muppets. It's kinda sad really.
by Mattersy January 20, 2005