80 definitions by Babydoll75
Even though Ainsley sussed out that her love for Morgan will never be requited, she kept hoping in her heart that someday he may change his mind.
by Babydoll75 March 20, 2019
Kennedy sat at her grandmother's feet, on the carpet of the nursing home. Her grandma was seated in an armchair, her face expressionless. Kennedy held on to one of her grandma's hand. Kennedy thought about how a sharp, witty mind became this feeb of a shell of a woman was now battling the voices in her delicate mind consuming what's left of her head and spirit her hands shaking. It was painful to Kennedy watching her grandma slowly become a feeb, a shadow of her former self.
by Babydoll75 March 9, 2019
Regan: I think I'll be moving back to California.
Kennedy looked at her, gobsmacked.
Kennedy: Have you thought this through? You're my best friend, and yr leaving me?
Kennedy looked at her, gobsmacked.
Kennedy: Have you thought this through? You're my best friend, and yr leaving me?
by Babydoll75 March 22, 2019
When a person sounds cold and clinical when they speak. They tend to enunciate every word, their sentences short, sounding clipped in an unfriendly, formal matter. A crispy person often sounds annoyed and/or impatient especially when they have to repeat a question. A person who sounds crispy when they talk, "does not suffer fools gladly."
Kennedy: That salesperson was a bitch, she was so crispy!
Regan: Did you buy the bag?
Kennedy: No. She was so rude. I should report her.
Regan: Did you buy the bag?
Kennedy: No. She was so rude. I should report her.
by Babydoll75 April 2, 2019
Regan: I love Meredith! He's such a poet! So sensitive!
Kennedy (surprised): Really??! He always strikes me as a wiseguy.
Kennedy (surprised): Really??! He always strikes me as a wiseguy.
by Babydoll75 April 2, 2019
When a TV show or movie uses taboo subjects like death, cancer, racism, old age, rape, guns, domestic abuse, drugs etc is the source of the laughter. That's why it's dark.
ie. Archer, South Park, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Family Guy
ie. Archer, South Park, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Family Guy
by Babydoll75 March 4, 2019
When a TV show or movie uses taboo subjects like death, cancer, racism, old age, rape, guns, domestic abuse, drugs etc is the source of the laughter. That's why it's dark.
ie. Archer, South Park, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Family Guy
ie. Archer, South Park, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Family Guy
by Babydoll75 March 4, 2019