A syndrome resulting from a untreated squirrel bite. Symptoms include; the heightened urge to think & talk about squirrels, the increased desire to fetch nuts, and an intense feeling of a need to climb trees.
He must have squirrelitis, all he ever does is talk about squirrels.
by Mr.SilkyPants November 22, 2006
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A cute bushy tailed animal that sometimes take over entire planets by hijacking nasa equipment
Squirrel: How are you gentlemen! All your base are belong to us. you are on your want to destruction!
Nasa: We are sorry to inform that we are no longer receiving signals from echo419.
by Red Squirrel January 5, 2004
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Those cute, fuzzy creatures that steal your tulip bulbs and then subsequently forget where they hid them.
That damn squirrel rearranged my flower bed in this seemigly random pattern. Hmmm...it looks good.
by xsenia January 13, 2005
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When two straight men take their pants off and tickle each-others nuts and the first one to get wood loses.
"I am the squirreling Champion!" - Jeremiah

"Wes and Jeremiah, stop squirreling! It's really not cool."
by bbcarolan May 14, 2012
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You've got a huge pair of squirrels on you, mate.

Fuck me, I've got a sharp pain in my squirrels.
by testicheese December 24, 2019
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a person who is constantly listening to you and whenever you do something weird he says IM CALLING PETA
by diabetes ) December 6, 2018
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The cleaner definition is to be distracted in an impulsive or ADD-esque manner, much like that dog in the movie UP.
My nephew had my aunt squirreled at Wal-mart today by all the goodies he was looking at
by thatoneguynamed_will December 5, 2009
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