I've used Speed on a few occasions for weight loss, not for the high the high totally sucked for me, it made me super paranoid and anxious to the point where I didn't even talk to anyone around me cause I thought I might say something stupid, and have em talk about me.

So basically it didn't amp me up it just curbed my appetite and gave the worst come-downs I've ever experienced in my life. Plus it made my jaw move/look all funny without me even knowing it.
Maybe I can't handle it or maybe it's just a lame drug.
by kissmydick May 3, 2005
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1. When someone epicly fails at something. Based on the "go fast" idealogy developed by the legendary philosopher, Ricky Bobby.
Dave: hey guys, watch me jump off the roof into that pool
Guys: Do it; You wont.
Dave: SHIT!!! MY LEGS!!!
Guys: Haha wow dave, NOOOO speed
by Veryfastman June 16, 2010
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-In a video production, the word "speed" is called by the sound mixer when the sound recorder is rolling and ready to record.
-Also called for by the producer moments before asking the first question in an interview.
Producer: DO WE HAVE SPEED!?
Sound Mixer: FUCK YES!
by kd0sts October 15, 2018
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I Sopfeeeea, am the definition on speed, for I naruto run up the stairs very fast. I speed across the school hallway with intense speed, 1000mph.

I...i am SPEED
by Kind Boy 50000000 November 7, 2019
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a movie about a bus that will blow up if it goes below 50mph; a type of drug that i wanna try
man i took that speed last night, shit fucked me up
by Khronic March 12, 2006
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