A chant said during extreme pelvic slamming. Each time the fat cock is buried to its deepest point, the power slammer grits his teeth while saying one word per slam. When you come to the word 'Nuts', it is best to keep the cock buried firmly for a few extra seconds. This phrase helps in getting the pussy fucked the hardest.
Without mercy, I fucked my hot bride, while chanting "Boner Packing Pickle NUTS!"
by Johnny5isAlive April 23, 2008
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when at a restaurant, eat all the pickles that come on the side, at once
(the whole thing has to be in your mouth before chewing)
by Thiswillruinmyfuture89 July 11, 2023
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when at a restaurant, eat all the pickles that come on the side, at once
(the whole thing has to be in your mouth before chewing)
by Thiswillruinmyfuture89 July 11, 2023
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A sophisticated sexual maneuver performed at the top of a staircase which involves taking a ripe cucumber from your vegetable drawer in the fridge. Then, clubbing your sanctified other over the back of their head (while in coitus) causing the phallic pre-pickle to snap into two pieces.

Once broken, stuff the first half into the baby maker and the second half into the poop shooter.

Now both parts should be sealed deep within the cavities. At this time you execute a double foot drop kick to abdomen of the receiver causing them to plunge backwards into the stairwell.
My ex actually requested that I half packed pickle punch her at my stabbin cabin in Muskoka.
by Doggy Style Dennis the Menace December 24, 2018
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