Verb: Transitive. To smoke a marijuana cigarette, or "joint". May have been peculiar to a small region in the San Jose, California area during the 1970's.
"I'm okin' a pooter".
by scritch November 14, 2007
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That person who replies "Ok" to every and any message you send. An ~ can use "Ok"s to mostly kill dull and obvious communication / instruction.
GF: That girl from the English Lit class wore a spandex to class. omg!
Me: Ok
GF: Why do these girls have dress like sl*ts?
Me: Ok
GF: WTH, are you even listening to me?
Me: Ok
GF: ...
Me: Target terminated. Okinator mission accomplished. *bam*
by WordSage April 16, 2015
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Verb. Literally means to promise to see someone and then back out at the last minute. Also can refer to the process of accepting many offers to spend time with someone only to forgo all offers and spend time alone.
I was so ready to hang out with him last night, then he okined me! That asshole!


I was going to call her to hang out, but her friend told me she was planning on okining me, so I decided to say 'Fuck off' and grab a smoothie.
by purposeful victor May 26, 2007
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Someone who doesnt speak clearly
Ok you edlrich monster are youa Ko-okinator?
by Uno_Bruno October 26, 2022
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she's a roofie user. she renders people unconsious so she can score some. she lacks a chromosome and sleeps next to raccoon. this girl has rapies. beware. but, she's tyra banks in disguise. so be careful or she'll ruin your whole fucking career.
a: so i heard becky "tyra" okin was at that party last night.
b: oh yah, she was using roofies on that one chick !
a: oh really ?
b: yah, she's pressing charges on becky.
a: oh damn, not smart.

b: why ?
a: don't you know ?
b: about what ?
a: becky's really tyra banks.
b: ohhhh fuck. that chick's career is ruined.
a: yup. werd to yur mothahh.
by becky's number one fan. September 2, 2009
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