When someone is the most skilled at an activity out of a relatively small or otherwise novice group of individuals in regards to said activity. Often used to denote that the "big fish" is not as skilled as those inside of the "small pond" would make it appear. Commonly used as an insult to the person being described.
Jim: I am the smartest one in my class!
Hank: Yeah, but you go to community college so... big fish small pond.

Sally: Laqueesha is the best prostitute I know!
Susan: That's because she lives in Old Lyme. If she lived in Compton she wouldn't be in the big fish small pond scenario.
by MrJackStankyLegs May 19, 2010
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The general classification of a manly man with large testicles and a small pecker. Underlying daddy issues is generally the case when dealing with an individual who has Big Balls Small Shrimp. Napoleon complex during sexual interactions is very common with these people as well. It is known for an individual with Big Balls Small Shrimp to ONLY enjoy African American intercourse, not discriminating against the gender, fucking both male and female. Big Balls Small Shrimp individuals usually tend to tell long long stories that lead no where, leaving you wondering how fucking small someones dick has to be to try to make up for it with their anti-climactic story telling. Ever plan for a day with the boys and it just gets ruined because someone invites "that guy"? Big Balls Small Shrimp is the epitome of someone who ruins trips, parties, and hangouts because he can't stop talking about the disproportion of his nuts to his Johnson.
Angelo: Dude what's wrong with Doug? He wouldn't stop crying about his balls at the party last night?
Amad: Hes just got Big Balls Small Shrimp
by japonsanders June 9, 2020
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Reference to Donald J. Trump, whose last name is spelled with a big "t" and a small "p". Play on "big talk, small penis". Refers to a person who makes loud and annoying claims to make up for deep insecurities.
"You know that Donald J.? He's the real deal, tells it like it is, right?"
"Naw, he just talks big. Big T Small p, know what I mean?"
by millstone December 31, 2022
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Big & Small is a TV show for kids it is on Treehouse. Big is a big purple giant monster and he is peaceful and is calm,Small is a noisey small monster and he always makes messes.
Little Boy: Hey i love the TV show Big & Small!

Little Girl: I know! Small is so cute!
Little Boy: Yeah! And big is so Nice and gentle!
by AgirlWhoIsARainbow January 17, 2012
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A popular foul mouthed phrase used to effectively disparage everyone when you are pissed off and generally disgusted with the human race.
My dad used to say, “fuck ‘em all, big and small and use the rest for pallbearers!”
by Dr Bunnygirl November 28, 2019
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1. When someone compensates for lack of size by using big words.
2. When an online videogame player talks a big game to compensate for lack of size.
3. When a videogame player insults other players due to his own lack of size.
-Dude, you fucking prick motherfuckers. Watch me pwn you next round you noobsicle cocksucking pricks!!!

-Dude, stfu and play the game already.

-Hey, fuck you prick! I fucked your momma last night with my bigass dick. What are you gonna do about it, huh biatch? You can't even find your tiny ass prick. That's how small you are.

-Dude, what's his problem?

-Big talk, small cock syndrome.
by isselman2000 September 5, 2009
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something small with the characteristics of something much bigger
toyota yaris or a chilli which is big small
by calcium July 5, 2006
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