The greatest guy you'll ever meet. Super sexy and knows how to take care of his lady. A hard nut to crack but once you do he is the sweetest man in the world that you could never give up. Mark is the type of man you would do anything for and wish to spend your life with. He is the epitome of the perfect man: caring, protective, providing, intelligent, fearless, kind, hard working, athletic. A true Mark is hard to find so once you have him, never let him go. Best kisser whose lips make you tingle every time. Fireworks.
You are lucky to find the perfect man, his name is Mark.
by lil_mel_mel_87 November 22, 2011
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He's the definition of amazing. He defines the word friend, too. He'll always be there for you. He defines hard working, someone who will go the distance for the one he loves even if he has to take baby steps first. Mark is someone who is cute, but defines beauty not in what he says or does, but in what he is. He is someone who will never give up on something he wants, even if it's so far out of reach. He defines love, someone who will melt your heart and cause you to fall in love every time you see him smile, every time he says your name.. Mark is someone who'll stand by your side, and will be there when the smoke clears. He defines the words thoughtful, sweetheart, caring, &romantic. Someone who'll make you laugh until you cry with all his crazy antics. He is someone you can be yourself around, even when you barely know who you are. Mark will most likely be the reason you're living, the one who pulled you out of the water just before your head goes under. Someone who will sit and hold you because you're afraid of thunder. Mark is the definition of perfect; "Having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be" Even though he won't say he agrees. Everyone knows that it's true. <3
Madison:Wow who's that cute guy over there?
Taylor: I think it's a Mark.
Madison: Well that explains it!
by thatskindachilldoe May 20, 2020
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Hockey over enthusiast.
Every single one of his passwords has something to do with hockey
by .... . .-.. .-.. --- October 6, 2023
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a person who is always a day late dollar short usually jobless and always doing some sort of mark activty such a sleeping on couches for free or gamin it up all day without working
look the mark is trying to grime up some food
by B2thaD December 2, 2006
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A target for robbery, scam, or hustle.
1)I was do dopesick yesterday everyone was looking like a mark.
2)I followed the mark off the train, he had an ipod and a laptop.
3) The f**kin mark from the other night IDed me, now I'm lookin at a two year bid.
4) The kid selling them fake chains could spot a good mark from a block away.
5) The mark started getting wise so we dropped the scam and just beat him down for his loot.
by D from Eastie March 28, 2008
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no words to decribe him, other than "a walking god!" he is the reason you live. the sooner you accept that, the better. he may not be interested in you, yet, but wait... i did, and now he's mine... so if theres a mark in your life that you want and find irresistable... chances are he's interested in you, so just wait... your time will come.. i guarantee! good luck, i wish the best to you....
FRIEND 1: "omg! who is that hottie with a body over there? he is irresistably hot. i wish he knew i was alive.... "
FRIEND 2: "oh him? that's mark, of course. who doesn't know him?"
*mark starts walking toward them*
FRIEND 1: "omg! omg! he's coming over here, do you think he likes me? theres now way he could, im too ugly..."
FRIEND 2: "don't be too sure.... he always goes for the girl that least expects it, in this case.... your the girl, good luck! HI MARK!"
MARK: "hello ladies. i was just talking to my friends, when i spotted the most beautiful person i have ever seen, so i decided to come over here and ask her out to the movies this friday. what do you say?"
FRIEND 2: "who is the beautiful person? me, or her?"
MARK: "sorry, but it's her, not you... so, will you?"
FRIEND 1: "omg. of course. i can't believe you think i'm beautiful... no ones ever said that too me, besides my parents, but they have to say it..."
MARK: "great, i'll pick you up around 7:30? k?"
FRIEND 1: "yea, it's great. i can't wait!"
*mark walks away*
FRIEND 2: "what did i tell you?"
FRIEND 1: "wow, i am so excited, and nervous, i never would have thought mark would ask me out!!! this is the best day of my life!
*thus concludes, the best day of her life, this could be you, if you know a mark... just wait.... your time will come*
by analissa v. January 13, 2007
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