The phrase used to describe dead military service members. It's a very sincere way for Draft Dodger Trump to honor the US Military service members.
I told a Trump supporter that I am a veteran and he called me Losers & Suckers
by TRUMP_lost_get_over_it September 6, 2020
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The way President Donald Trump thinks about US military service members and veterans.
Me (Army veteran)- Hey guys, Veteran's day is in November!
Trump supporter at my job - You mean losers & suckers day!
Me (Army veteran) - That's not nice, Trump supporters like you hate the military.
Trump supporter at my job - Trump loves the military!
by TRUMP_lost_get_over_it September 26, 2020
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American troops killed in action, as characterized by their Commander-In-Chief, Donald Trump, who avoided his own military service.
Trump privately referred to American soldiers killed in combat as losers and suckers.
by Monkey's Dad September 5, 2020
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