"That guy is such a fag. I bet he lets other guys play with his kinky twinky."

"I know dude, the other day I heard him in the bathroom jerking off."
by anonymousswim September 30, 2009
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When a male has an erection everytime he see's an elderly woman. Then kidnaps her, kills her and puts a twinky in her vagina. Bury's her. Then two weeks later, digs her up, takes the twinky out with own hand and covers with munging fluids. Usually done at night-time.
"Man, I cant wait for that kinky twinky in the cemetary tonight"
by WHOAkatie October 30, 2006
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A kinky twinkie is a kink who is a twink
Yo whats up you kinky twinkie how's it hanging
by AdaamHakeem March 9, 2018
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That guy over there, guess what he’s into bdsm! He is a real kinky twinky
by wat is da dog doin February 20, 2023
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