Represented by the number sign, #. At one time, it was used for the designation of numbers. It is now widely used across social networks as the international bat signal for white women.
OMG look at these new shoes! #CutestThingEver #LetsCelebrateByVomitting #ICantEven #Hashtag #Hashtagception
by RaggedCoyote May 21, 2014
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"What's a hashtag?"
by bdotp August 12, 2013
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The number symbol that people keep putting in front of phrases, like when they are going to do something.
Thank you twitter for starting something stupid like hashtag...
#number is really "number number"

#inmyshoe is really "number in my shoe"
#a is really "number a"
by HammedZippy November 18, 2015
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Every article explaining hashtags is like a million pages long and P.S. people–using the word “metadata” to explain them is like, thank you for nothing.
by BrainTrustBabe August 1, 2014
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Hashtagging (v.) The act of having sex while smoking hash. Derived from "to tag" meaning, "To have sex with," and "hash" meaning "hash."
"We were bored & nothing was on TV, so Becky and I spent the evening #hashtagging
by JamesBeam October 15, 2010
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Hashtag-Noun. Spawned from the ever powerful Twitter Machine, this symbol (#) has become a new way to add a thought, or some up the thought of, a sentence, giving it more clarity, and often, more wit. Most commonly found in tweets, FB status, and comments (in that order)
"Just eat an entire sleeve of oreos cookies in 8 mins #highlife"

"Wegmans didnt have MY kind of Organic Milk, so i had to by that silk shit instead #whitegirlproblems"

"Going car shopping today because my last car caught on FIRE #nbd

by KennyPowell July 19, 2011
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