A word to describe drugs such as cocaine, heroin etc.
Skinner: Do you have any gear on you need a tick

Victor: Na sorry pal gettin heavy gear next month
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Meaning "that's the best" or, "that's some amazing shit right there".

Can also mean "all inclusive", in some contexts
1) Steve: I just made myself some blueberry Pop Tarts in that toaster.

Andy: Man, that shit's the gear!

2) "Come on down to our soup kitchen! We have minestrone, chicken noodle, all the gear!"
by Rome_Leader April 24, 2009
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Commonly used in the UK and some regions of the US to refer to heroin and the necessary supplies, such as the needle, spoon, cotton, etc.
"Yeah, that dude died after shooting gear that was more pure than usual."


"Don't share gear unless you want AIDS, yo."
by junkiemonkey July 1, 2005
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"Yo Tyrone, ja gear ain't fresh."

"Check my new gear."
by jaquan123321 October 23, 2009
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"Man, he's gotten totally buffed! Do you think he's using gear?"
by MadDog182 October 2, 2003
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